The Black Legacy Fellowship provides a paid fellowship experience to Black organizers and activists who have persisted in the work towards racial justice.

The Black Legacy Fellowship is for people who are:

  • American-born direct descendants of enslaved Africans.

  • At least 18 years old at the time of the application deadline.

  • Residents in the seven-county metro area of Twin Cities.

  • Unaffiliated with the Cultural Wellness Center or the Pohlad Family Foundation. This includes employees, contractors, or family members of employees or contractors. Family members include spouse, parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, child, grandchild, great-grandchild, and spouses of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.


Each fellow will receive $55,000 in unrestricted funds which can be used to support their renewal. Experiences or activities of fellow may include retreats, covering living expenses, travel, family and childcare, and other resources needed for rest and recovery.

In addition, each fellow will have access to a Community Building Fund with the option to make a grant of $15,000 to a nonprofit or community-based organization that is working towards the longevity of the racial justice movement in the Twin Cities.


The fellowship includes lightly programmed experiences that are co-created to fit fellows’ interests and priorities. As part of the fellowship, fellows will engage in a year-long, self-paced program that prioritizes their wellbeing and renewal so they can continue their work towards racial justice. In this fellowship participants will:

  • Participate in programming that is rooted in cultural values to strengthen their leadership skills, including Cultural Self-Study.

  • Study and examine purposeful renewal.

  • Share with community how they defined and engaged in renewal.

  • Connect with Elders, coaches, community, and each other to deepen their network of support.


We are committed to supporting individuals who have built a legacy in the racial justice movement, as well as individuals are the future of the movement towards justice. The nomination and application process for the Black Legacy Fellowship will reopen in early 2025, offering another opportunity for dedicated individuals to join this impactful program. Keep an eye out for updates as we continue to support and elevate the next generation of Black leaders in the Twin Cities.


Black. Legacy. Renewed